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Jennifer Snyder

Jennifer Snyder is a personal coach and workshop leader for divorced women who cannot wait to proclaim their own power. Visit her website at www.timeofyourlifeafterdivorce.com.

Back-to-School Lessons and Supplies for Mom


Each year, by early August, discount stores across the country prominently display back- to-school supplies for children of all ages. It is an exciting time to be a student and, as long as one can navigate shopping carts down crowded aisles and find required items, the ritual can be a happy one for their parents.


Whether purchasing the first Superman book bag with tears in our eyes, or refinancing our home to buy a calculator (with tears in our eyes), we make sure our children have everything they need to ensure a smooth and successful transition.


Do you put the same effort and preparations into the next ten months of your life? Do you invest in materials that support you to reach your goals between September and June?


Although my children are young adults and it’s been two years since I drove around town searching for the perfect jeans, a mesh book bag, Webster’s Pocket Dictionary, and loose leaf notebook paper, I still know how to shop for things that count.


Here is your list five items that will get you focused and moving toward your own year of happiness and power:


Lunch container – Do you even taste your mid-day meal? Is it good for you? By taking your lunch to work, could you eat healthier foods, enjoy your meal, and dine in places that calm and rejuvenate you?


Notebook – I see stores practically giving away paper in September. Whether you carry a spiral notebook in your briefcase, a memo pad in the car, or single sheets folded in your purse; we need a place to record important ideas and creative musings. This allows us to remember and organize otherwise swirling thoughts on paper.


Planner – Do you know where you need to be, and usually arrive on time? Or does it feel as if you’re always running out the door with only moments before your next appointment? Do the kids complain that you are late picking them up from school or extra-curricular activities? The pressure to manage everyone’s schedule adds stress to an already hectic life. Is your organization system working for, or against, you?


Good book – While it doesn’t seem like it, you really might have some free time throughout your busy day. Is there a book you’ve wanted to read but decided against purchasing because you didn’t have a solid block of time to enjoy it? Could you finish even a page or two while waiting for the kids at practices or when picking them up from school, or in the line at the grocery store?


Sleep – Would you allow your child to stay up late and rise with dark circles under their eyes? Absolutely not! Then, why do women allow themselves and their beloved friends to madly dash around in sleep-deprived stupors? This year, as you tuck the kids into bed, ask yourself, “What tasks could really wait until morning?”


These five little purchases and practices can make all the difference in your personal satisfaction and success this year.


Your children aren’t the only ones turning the page for their next chapter of life. This is your time, too! Since starting time is your decision, the bell rings whenever you are ready. And because you deserve the same words of encouragement as your little ones boarding the big yellow bus, or walking into a class with a new teacher and bigger desks, let me say,


“You can do this, and I’m proud of you.”

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