Smart Women Make Changes
By Jennifer Snyder
Change occurs around us everyday. How often have we witnessed the shifting sands and either celebrated for the person or breathed a sigh of relief that we were spared from suddenly having to do things differently?
So often our own lives directly are impacted by change. Everyday, we receive recognition, promotions, contracts, and positive challenges that require us to show others what we're made of. We embrace these changes and are quick to rise to such challenges.
At other times the inevitable changes elicit feelings of fear and negativity, and send us running from a head-on encounter at all costs. With good reason, we define the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, and separation or divorce as examples of negative change. While events such as these are heartrending, it is precisely in these times that one's true spirit truly shines through.
I recently saw the slogan, "Smart women make changes," on a rubber eraser - that office tool generally reserved for getting rid of "mistakes." The slogan did not say, "smart women make mistakes" (although we all do and it's time we relinquish control and accept our humanness). The eraser's catchphrase reminds us to shift our perspective ever so slightly in order to focus on our strengths, rather than our defeats - our power, not our mistakes. Once we shift that focus and acknowledge the strength we've always possessed, we're able to move forward to achieve goals we otherwise would not have considered possible.
In the midst of my own "victim-thinking" during divorce, it seemed easier to move mountains than acknowledge my power and face the complex situation head on. However, once I pulled myself out of bed and took control of my attitude, events started going in my direction. I believe we all can change our outlook toward difficult changes if we try. Remember that while we don't have control over some people or situations, we do have power over how we respond to them and how to best achieve our goals.
I often remind my clients that events are only events until we attach a perception to them. I believe in you. Smart women make changes when we proclaim our power!
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