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Dionna Sanchez

Dionna Sanchez is Owner/Editor of Emphasis On Moms. You can subscribe to their free monthly newsletter to read more. This article reproduced with permission from OnlinePlaygroup.com E-Newsletter - A free monthly E-newsletter for parents who are searching, starting or managing a playgroup! February 2003 edition.

Choosing Friends Wisely
By Dionna Sanchez
Owner/Editor of Emphasis On Moms.

Our children have so many different influences on their lives each and every
day. We focus on what adults' they are around, and what kind of effect it
will have on them. But what about the children? Our child's peers has just
as much, if not more of an effect on what kind of person they are becoming.
It is important to teach our children to discern who is good to hang out
with, and who is not.

You can usually notice when a particularly bad choice of a friend has an
impact on your child's behavior and attitude. Sit down and share your
concerns with your children. Suggest characteristics that can be found in
friends that can be counted on, and the types of friends to avoid. Don't
assume that your child knows how to pick good friends. Sometimes, they don't
understand how a bad trait can later work its way into their own character.

Children are vital in helping each other through the ups and downs of life
as they grow up. Some friends come and go, but some are lifelong buddies.
Help your child in searching for pals who encourage, uplift and cheer them
on; while at the same time are honest, sensitive and understanding. It is a
rich treat to see your child relish in the carefree play of a good, solid
friendship. Whether they are 2 or 16, how they relate to friends effects how
they relate to themselves. Help them choose wisely.

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