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Wayne L. Misner

Wayne L. Misner is owner of Healthcare CIO, a consultant company in New Jersey. He has been in the healthcare field for thirty-five years. In addition, he became the Vice President of Programs and Education for a NJ chapter of Parents Without Partners, where he moderated men and women's groups across the state. For ten years, he had the opportunity to facilitate many groups of men and women who were struggling with not being able to listen. While at the Rehabilitation Hospital he also was a facilitator of the women's group for both inpatients and outpatients.

He is the father of two sons and one daughter and is one of the men he has written about.

Healthcare CIO
10 Wayne Court
Edison, NJ 08820

The Garage Sale
Excerpt from the book Men Don't Listen

Look at where you are in life. Look at each other. Each of us is a composite of our experiences--the good, the bad, and the ugly. When someone comes into our life they accept us for who we are, baggage and all.

Imagine we are in a "Garage Sale," sitting in a driveway on some old table. You buy us "as is." Think of it more as if we were a valuable, rare antique piece of furniture. Each bump, bruise, and scratch are part of the history that makes this antique so scarce, precious, and valuable. Just like the antique, we cannot be replaced even through we contain flaws. You might be able to do some restoration, renovate pieces, and recondition areas; but you are not going to change a dresser into a chair. Be very realistic as to just how much he will open up and change and to what degree idiosyncrasies can go away. Approximately sixty-nine percent of all relationship conflicts never will be resolved. It is more important not to hurt the other person instead of finding out who is right or wrong. Dale Carnegie, well known author and speaker, said no one every wins an argument.

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