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Carla J. Curtis

Author of: A Single Woman's Parenting Journey: Survival Tidbits

Grip the Rope
Carla J. Curtis
Copyright©/June 2002

As a single parent, I'm sure you sometimes feel inundated with the myriad of responsibilities that you have to manage on your own. You work, pay the bills, lend a hand with homework, cook, clean, serve as a therapist to your children when necessary, while trying to incorporate some type of social activities into your life. These are some, but not all of the everyday jobs and activities that you manage alone as a single parent. In being the head of your household, there probably have been times when you've whispered to yourself or even repeated this expression vocally, "Boy, I'm at the End of my Rope." Trust me, if you haven't thought or repeated these words, one day you most likely will because being a single parent can at times be very tiring, to say the least.

Although this choice of words might have come into your mind on more than one occasion, at least it has for me; I am here to encourage you to merely "Grip the Rope." In other words, hold on and don't throw in the towel just yet. At this very moment, you might be saying to yourself, "What does she mean hold on, I'm drained - simply tired of being tired?" Yes, I do empathize with you, as I have been on this journey of single parenting for many years. And, since you are reading this article in its entirety - and I do thank you for doing so -- then you, too, are making it, even if you are just pooped at this very moment.

While your journey in life sometimes probably seems overwhelming, remember to "Grip the Rope" and you will, indeed, survive.

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