Application for Member-At-Large

If you wish to apply for membership in Parents Without Partners, Inc. as a Member-At-Large, please print out this form, complete all the information requested, and mail it with a check, money order, or credit card number to the address below. You may fax it to 561-395-8557 if you prefer. If, upon review, it is determined that you reside in the service area of a local Parents Without Partners chapter, your application will be returned and you will be referred to the local chapter.

Mary Anne Britton
International VP of Membership
6167 Cowell Rd.
Brighton, MI 48116-5112

If you have question, telephone 585-352-5561 or FAX 561-395-8557 or Contact the Membership Chair.

1. Name __________________________________________________________
First Name Initial Last Name
2. Address _______________________________________________________
Street Address Apartment #
3. City, State, Zip/Postal _______________________________________
City State Zip Code/Postal Code Country
4. Social Security/Social Insurance Number (optional) ____________

5. Drivers License Number ________________________________________
6. Phone Number _________________ E-mail address _________________
7. Sex:     Male        Female
8. Marital Status:  Divorced   Separated   Widowed   Never Married
9. Birth Date of Applicant (Month/Day/Year) ______________________
10. Number of Living Children ______________
11. Living Children's Birth Dates (youngest to oldest)
Month/Day/Year _________________ Male Female
Month/Day/Year _________________ Male Female
Month/Day/Year _________________ Male Female
Month/Day/Year _________________ Male Female
Month/Day/Year _________________ Male Female

12. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes No
13. Have you ever been denied or been expelled from membership in a
PWP Chapter? Yes No
14. I provide the following professional reference for verification 
of my eligibility for membership in Parents Without Partners,
Name ______________________________________ Title ________________
Company Name _____________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip/Postal __________________________________________
City State Zip Code/Postal Code Country
15. Credit Card Data: I authorize payment of $40.00 US funds for my 
dues in Parents Without Partners, Inc. to be charged to my:

Visa Mastercard American Express
    Credit Card Number _________________________ Exp. Date _______
 Signature on Card _______________________________________________
 I hereby apply for membership in Parents Without Partners, Inc. 
and enclose payment of $40.00 (US dues for one year. I understand
that my Member-At-Large status will entitle me to membership in
Parents Without Partners, including all benefits, with the
exception of voting rights and privilege of holding office at any
I affirm that I am a single parent and that the information on this
application is true and correct.
I understand that if my eligibility changes, I will relinquish my
membership card immediately to Parents Without Partners Inc.
I pledge adherence to the aims and purposes of Parents Without
Partners, and agree to be bound by and abide by its Constitution,
Bylaws, rules and regulations.
I understand that my membership card is not transferable to any
other person, under penalty of forfeiture of my card and membership,
and this card remains the property of Parents Without Partners, Inc.
I authorize officials of Parents Without Partners, Inc. to make
inquiries as to my eligibility.
I understand that if I falsify any information on my application,
this may be grounds for immediate revocation of membership.
16. Applicant's Signature ________________________________________

Date ________________
As an official of Parents Without Partners, Inc. I have accepted 
this application and verify that a professional verification letter
is on file for this applicant.
Signature ____________________________________________ Date______

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