

Donna Brady

Fri., Feb. 7 - New Orleans Steakhouse - Rt. 15 - 7:15 PM - 9:30 PM - Let's eat out with
friends tonight.  Contact: Shirley by 2/5. PYOW.

Sat., Feb. 8 - Valentine's Dance - Rockaway - 9PM - 1 AM - We're at the American Legion tonight!

Thurs., Feb. 13 - Adult Discussion: "How do you handle Valentine's Day as a single, without that someone special or in a new relationship? What are some good options?  Would you be interested in weekly poker
games?  Moderator: Donna - call by Tues., Feb. 11 (or sooner) so we know to expect you. Location: Jefferson Diner, Route 15 - Time: 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM.  Contact: Donna  - PYOW

Fri., Feb. 21 - Pub 199 & Cracker Barrel - Two of our favorite places to dine in one night. PYOW.
Contact: Geoff by 2/19.

Sat., Feb. 22 - Chapter Dance - Morris Plains - 9PM - 1 AM - We're at the VFW tonight! Theme: Snowball
Dance - Dare To Wear White!

Fri., Feb. 28 - Amigo Team Challenge - 7:30 PM until???? Place: Shirley's House - We can
play Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, whatever.  Join the fun! Meet new friends.  It's a good way to
warm up on a cold winter's night!  As always there will be munchies, and lots of talk.
Contact: Shirley

How to get a newsletter with more detailed information?  Contact Donna and learn how you can become
a member.

Note: PYOW - means Pay Your Own Way or Dutch-Treat, Of Course

Prospective members are welcome to attend these events but please call ahead so we know to expect you.

[ This message was edited on Wed Jan 29 by the author ]

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