Ceilidh ... new TAG unit


new TAG unit

rob baker

Are you between the ages of 12 & 17?  Are you in a single parent family?  Would you like to talk to others in you situation?  How about starting a Teen group in you chapter of Parents Without Partners!  Please email me if you are interested.  We have had some interest and would like to see this program working again.  Let me know what you are interested in doing or talking about.  I am the VP of Family and Youth and need your help and input.  Thanks, Judy

Hey Judy and all:

We are currently up and running a Teen Action Group through SS chapter 33 in Mass.

So far we have had so much fun cookouts, pool parties, trips to Funway USA, can drives, fireworks for the 4th, group meeting including parents for dicussions. We have planned events to Six Flags in Mass for next month.

We have between 12 and 20 current members and we would love to do joint events with other chapters. So email me if you have any ideas  As they said in the sixties, Peace out.

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