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2002 Convention Sailed to Success

By Judye Foy, Past International President

This year we had two Pre-Convention tours, which featured Washington, DC on Monday and the second Pre-Convention tour was to Gettysburg on Tuesday. Participants enjoyed the tour to Washington, but all agreed they would need at least a week to see everything. Participants to Gettysburg also had a good time and found it very inspiring to visit one of the places where our Civil War was fought and The Gettysburg Address given by then President Lincoln.

The Convention opened with the Parade of Flags, which was narrated by Ken Orbusek, a first time convention attendee. Ken as really excited about getting to perform this duty. He stated that this was the highlight of his PWP leadership time. The Convention was dedicated to Dave McCorkle, Zone C, who passed away in June. Dave was one of our first leaders in PWP and was responsible for starting several chapters along the Eastern U.S. Coast. He founded the Former International Board Members (FIBM) and was also the FIBM President.

For the first time the children attending the Children's Program were in attendance at the Opening Session and were introduced to the delegates after the parade of flags before April Hamlin, the Youth Program Chairman led them to the first of a weeklong group of activities and sightseeing.

Next came the campaign speeches of the candidates running for office and the convention started "Sailing" from there. The workshops featured several that were put on by professionals. THE EXCELLENT YOU by Cherie Beck followed the Opening Session. Preceding the Town Hall Meeting was ATTITUDE MANAGEMENT by Chip Tames from Dale Carnegie, which was well received by all who attended. The Zone Caucuses were split by Zone again and were followed with another workshop on BASICS TO CONFLICT RESOLUTION by Brian Vaughn. The convention SAILED straight through the Awards Breakfast, more workshops, voting for International Officers, more workshops, and featured dances and a nightly hospitality room. Our Annual Meeting was again a half-day event, which gave the delegates some free time that afternoon. Saturday started off with more workshops and ended up with the President's Banquet and Ball, where for the first time, the children from the Children's Program escorted the IBOD members into the Banquet. Newly elected president, Marie Weller was escorted by the two youngest children. The kids really got into this and had a great time escorting each one in. At the Presidents Banquet the awards for the Membership Drive were given out, Mary Ward was given the IBOD Member of the Year Award, Jeff Hines was given a plaque for his service as International Attorney and Judye Foy was presented a farewell gift by the IBOD.

Officers elected to serve PWP for the coming two years are: President-Marie Weller, Zone J; Secretary - Sue Rosenberg, Zone L; VP Community Relations, Barbara Spade, Zone K; and VP Membership, Kathie Soucy, Zone B.

The Convention Closing Session featured a fantastic skit by the local committee, which had everyone in tears they were laughing so hard. Then the children escorted the American flag in to a standing ovation. . What a great ending for our convention! The attendees thank the committee for an excellent Convention. (April Hamlin aka Aretha Franklin; Gloria Jeckert, aka Dolly Parton; Lee Harris aka Minnie Pearl; Bob Leierzapf aka Frank Sinatra; Joyce Mancini aka Michael Jackson; with Liz Fatigato as emcee, and Charles Kolb, Vincent Nunziato, Margaret O'Dell assisting the performers.

Under April Hamlin's direction, the children enjoyed the convention ceremonies, swimming and games, a tour of the National Museum in Washington, a picnic at a ranch with a rodeo and much more.

The 2003 Convention will be held in Las Vegas at the Palace Station.

We HOPE to see you there!!!!


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