Joining PWP as a Member At Large (MAL) |
Below you will find a link to the application for membership in Parents Without Partners. If you do not live near enough to join a local chapter we would welcome you to join us as a Member at Large (MAL). Joining as a MAL will give you complete access to the PWP website and all it offers with discounts and interesting articles about single parenting. Also as a MAL you have the ability to attend functions in any chapter should you travel around the United States and Canada. You will also have the opportunity to attend the International Convention that is held every year in July. The only thing that you cannot do as an MAL are be an officer or vote in chapter elections. If you choose to join as a MAL, please fill in the membership application, being sure to include reference information. Once completed submit the application with a check or credit card information (for $40.00) to our International office. The fax number for Parents Without Partners office is 740-452-2552 or you can mail to: Parents Without Partners Proceed to membership application if you wish to join as an MAL. |
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