Join Parents Without Partners, Inc. TODAY! The Single Best Organization in the World
Dear Fellow Single Parent:
We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to join Parents Without Partners International, Inc., (PWP) the premier not-for-profit organization focusing on social, educational and issues-advocacy needs of single parents worldwide.
As a member of PWP, you will share in the opportunity to interact with a large-scale network of single parents, facing together the unique challenges and triumphs of parenting today. Whether divorced, separated, widowed, or never married, PWP provides a myriad of social and educational activities for parents and children from all walks of life.
We think you’ll agree that PWP membership will transform what can often be a difficult time of adjustment into an exciting turning point in your life. We welcome you to review the unique benefits PWP has to offer.
If we can answer any questions, please call PWP International at 561-391-8833. Welcome to Parents Without Partners, the single best organization in the world!
Parents Without Partners International, Inc.
1650 South Dixie Highway, Suite 402
Boca Raton, FL 33432
To be eligible for membership in Parents Without Partners, Inc., a person must be a parent; be single by reason of death, divorce, separation or never married, or other reason, which may be deemed acceptable by Parents Without Partners, Inc. Custody of children is not a factor.
Types of Membership:
- Chapter Membership. An individual, who meets the above eligibility requirements, can join PWP at the chapter level by using our Chapter Search. Once you find a chapter in your area, contact the individual listed who will inform you of the chapter’s activities, orientation days, etc. The annual membership fee varies between individual chapters; however the range is $30 to $65. This membership is the best alternative for a hands-on, local support network. If you do not find a chapter in your area, simply contact the Parents Without Partners office.
- Member-at-Large. This membership alternative is for those individuals who do not reside near an existing chapter, who travel frequently and who would still like the member benefits and online support. (Please be sure to check the chapter search page for a chapter near you before joining as a Member-At-Large). An individual, who meets the above eligibility requirements, can apply to Parents Without Partners on the international level. You will retain the right of chapter membership (outlined below) and can go to any local chapter meetings; however there are two major differences compared to chapter membership:
1. Members-at-large can not vote or hold an office; and
2. Members-at-large can conveniently join PWP today, by applying by fax or mail. The annual fee is $40.
Membership Benefits
As the largest single parenting organization in the world, Parents Without Partners provides members with a variety of unique, timely, topical and targeted membership benefits.
Our chapters provide:
- Chapter locations throughout North America offering local networking with multi-opportunities for support, growth and education;
- Ongoing local chapter activities for the single parent and his/her family;
- Personal/leadership development workshops at Regional and Zone meetings and the International Convention;
- Educational programs and discussion groups on parent-child relationships, effective communication, dating, and self-improvement. Special programs are offered for widowed, never-married and divorced members;
- Recreational activities such as camping, hiking, picnics, bowling, swimming and crafts for single parents and their children;
- Adult social activities;
- Community service and advocacy projects on divorce and child abuse.
Additional Membership Benefits
- Opportunity to attend the Annual International Convention of Parents Without Partners, an event jam-packed with social and educational activities just for single parents and their children;
- Access to scholarship programs for children of PWP members;
- Issues advocacy program, which increases the quality of life of children living in single parent homes;
- Access to the members only section of the Parents Without Partners, Inc.’s website where you can freely meet other members who are facing similar situations; and
- Much, much, more!
No other organization offers the full spectrum of services and benefits provided by Parents Without Partners, exclusively devoted to single parents and their children.
To apply for PWP membership, you can use the Member-At-Large Fax Form or the Member-At-Large email Form. For the email form, simply fill in the blanks and someone will get back to you when your membership is approved. For the fax form, simply print out the form, fill out the required information; fax it to Parents Without Partners at 561-395-8557. If you do not have access to a fax machine, you can mail it to the address listed above.